Welcome to 1st Woodcutts

We are so glad you are coming to join us on the adventure at 1st Woodcutts. We hope you can find all the information you need on this page.
If not, please get in touch with Skip John Curtis or your leader.


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Your information & Subs

We ask you to complete this form, you can print it and bring it to your first meeting or a leader can go through it with you if you don't have a printer.

Download Info Form

We keep all your and your young persons' information on OSM- Online Scout Manager. You can read their GDPR and Security Statement.

Subs are £37 per term (reviewed annually) and collected via OSM. Subs go towards membership to Scouts UK, our District and the weekly sessions. If you have any questions about subs please contact andy.young@firstwoodcutts.org.uk.

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For any questions, you can email our Lead Volunteer, Skip, John Curtis - john.curtis@firstwoodcutts.org.uk.

Or the leaders of your young person's section -

Scouts: rob.easton@firstwoodcutts.org.uk

Cubs: naomi.booth@firstwoodcutts.org.uk

Beavers: beavers@firstwoodcutts.org.uk

Squirrels: squirrels@firstwoodcutts.org.uk

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Keep up-to-date

We send most of our communications with parents via email, so please make sure this is kept up-to-date through your leader.

We also have a closed Facebook Group where we share pictures of our section evenings, camps and more. You will need to answer the group questions and be accepted by our team of leader admins to gain entry to this group. www.facebook.com/groups/1stWoodcutts

We also have an open Facebook page where we post about fund-raising events and other news items.

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Safety & Safeguarding

The Young People First code of practice (also known as the yellow card) sets out a code of behaviour for all adults in Scouts. You can read it here. If you have any issues you need to raise please contact

Scouts HQ Tel: 020 8433 7164 safeguarding@scouts.org.uk

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Uniform is available through the group, we keep new and used stock at the HQ. Please ask your leader.

The sweatshirts, red for squirrels, blue for Beavers, Green for Cubs and shirts for Scouts, Explorers and Leaders are where budges earned are displayed.

Uniform is always worn for parades, and celebrations and is often worn at weekly session, but the older sections tend to wear their 57 Hoodies and T-shirts. These are also available from the HQ.

Group Neckers are issued when your Young person or an Adult is invested into the group (say their Scout Promise). These will move up through Scouting with them. Please return them to us when they are no longer needed and we will reuse them.

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Scouts work together on badges at their weekly meetings, away at camps and events, or at home.

There is a varied programme which often works towards our challenge awards too.

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 Click on the image to see where the different badges should be placed.

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Events & Camps

During the year the group has different events we hope that your young person and yourself would like to join in.

Fireworks - our biggest fundraiser and volunteers are always needed.

Remembrance - we all take part in Sixpenny Handley Remembrance parade together.

Christmas - we often have a Christmas celebration, a chance to hear how the group is getting along and what is coming up in the next year.

St George's Day - St George is the patron saint of Scouting and we get together to make or renew our Promise. Sometimes we do this on group or family camp, sometimes with our District on parade.

1st May Bank Holiday Camp - this generally alternates between a Group Camp (Cubs, Scouts and Explorers go on a weekend camp with Beavers and Squirrels joining for a day trip) and Family Camp (where all adults and their families are invited on camp together).

Summer Camp - for Scouts and Explorers go on a week's camp.

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Getting Involved


1st Woodcutts is all run by volunteers and while your young person is with us (and after if you enjoy it!) you will be invited to join us.

Some section evenings will need a volunteer adult rota to help the session run. Or if you have a skill the group would like to learn, please do let us know!

If you can't help in the evening, don't worry! There is our Fireworks Spectacular fundraiser and other events during the year which may need help.

We also have an Active Support Unit that offer their support to the group through this team - some of them have particular skills, and others love fundraising.

Get in touch with Skip or your leader if you would like to get involved!