HUGE Fireworks thanks

Naomi Booth :: Wednesday 15th November 2023 :: Latest Blog Posts

Picture: /files/blog/80/w288/fireworks-thanks-banner-4ftx2ft.jpgFirstly we just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who came and supported our Firework Spectacular.  We raised over £11,600 for our Scout group. Also £800 was raised by the Skate Park Crew and £860 by Sixpenny Handley First School!

Skip Skip, Rob Easton says "We put on an awesome night and wowed the crowds. They travelled from far and wide and promised they would be back. Comments heard 'best display I have ever seen, better than Disney!', 'What a welcoming group of volunteers', 'Everyone seemed so happy, even those pushing cars out of the mud!' ' I wish our scout group was this welcoming and friendly'.

We want to thank Steve and Lee for their ongoing generosity for the use of their land, Clarkes the Butcher, Budgens Sixpenny Handley and Chettle Shop for selling tickets and also all those sponsors who kindly supported the event either financially or through services - without them the display could not happen.

This display is also only possible with the support of an army of volunteers. A special thank you to those who were out in force on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. It was long and often wet days, but it was worth it. So, to the car parkers, ticket checkers, burger flippers, beer sellers, till ringers, litter pickers, firework firers, games runners, tea makers and all those who were part of this amazing event. - THANK YOU!"

Funds raised for Scouts mostly covers the HQ running costs at Woodcutts and also goes towards extra activities and camp expenses for our young people.