Face-to-Face Spring 2021

COVID restrictions are lifting again so Scouting can resume from Friday 26th March!

Naomi Booth :: Monday 15th March 2021 :: Latest Blog Posts

Exciting news, we have been given notification from Headquarters that face-to-face Scouting will resume from Friday the 26th of March, bubble of 15 outside only, 12th of April bubble of 15 outside and inside, also non-residential visits can resume. I would like to thank the Leadership Team who have provided in all sections an exemplary Zoom based programme for the young people, for support I have tried to attend as many of these meetings as possible, I have been amazed by the standard of ingenuity displayed and by the enthusiasm of the young people, of course Zoom meetings do not appeal to all of the youngsters so it will be good to get back to something like normal.

Both Beaver sections could do with either another Assistant Leader in each colony or a Section Assistant in each, at the very least they need parental help, having thanked the Leaders it is now time to pay tribute to the young people and the support shown by their parents during virtual Scouting which has enabled the activities to continue.

The weekend of the 24th-25th of April will see us hold our second Virtual Camp, Sunday morning of the 25th, Canon Rick the Vic will be holding a St Georges day service for the congregation of St Mary's and First Woodcutts, this will also be broadcast to East Dorset District Scouts, hopefully, we will have a Beaver, Cub , Scout, Explorer and Leader lead the Promise for each section, as the saying goes, God willing.

Summer Camp has been booked for Cornwall, week 24th - 31st of July, just got to hope that by then Headquarters will have been able to lift the moratorium of sleeping under canvas.