Solar energy system

Has just been installed at our HQ

Naomi Booth :: Friday 1st May 2020 :: Latest Blog Posts


In a radical and exciting addition to our Group's sustainability programme, we are taking a huge stride towards reducing our carbon footprint by installing a solar energy system at the headquarters. 

This project is being part-funded by Low Carbon Dorset as part of the European Regional Development Fund, and will reduce our use of the national grid by at least 50% over the next 10 – 20 years. 

We are extremely grateful to Dorset Council for its help and support in bringing this project to fruition.  We are also immensely indebted to our President Mr Richard Adlem, who has most generously donated the balance of the money needed to pay for the project.

Picture: /files/blog/46/w288/low-carbon-dorset-logo-200px-rgb.png  Picture: /files/blog/46/w288/erdf.png