Community Litter Pick

Saturday 14th March 1st Woodcutts took part in the Sixpenny Handley Community Litter Pick organised by our own Bagheera!

Naomi Booth :: Tuesday 17th March 2020 :: Latest Blog Posts

Litter PickingWe asked the Cubs as part of their World Challenge badge what they'd like to do to make a positive impact for their community? They suggested a litter pick so we have organised one! Working with the Parish Council, we'll started from the Parish Council office and work our way around the village collecting litter.

The Council is provided gloves, litter pickers and refuse bags, the time flew by, the bags were filled and the weather was (mostly) kind to us.

A huge thank you to all the Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Parents, Leaders and ASU who gave up your time to make our community a nicer place to live. Big thanks go to Bagheera for organising this event!