Shelterbox funds raised this year

The group had set themselves the target of fundraising enough money to purchase 2 Shelterboxes, a total of £1180 in 2018...

Naomi Booth :: Wednesday 2nd January 2019 :: Latest Blog Posts

A shelterboxDuring Summer Camp 2017 the Scouts visited the Shelterbox HQ in Cornwall and learned about the work the charity undertakes supporting communities throughout the world who are hit by disasters.  The Scouts learned about the contents of the boxes and how they were designed to support a family of up to 10 people for a year. When it came to choosing a charity for Woodcutts to support in 2018, Shelterbox was the unanimous choice.

The group set themselves the target of fundraising enough money to purchase 2 Shelterboxes, a total of £1180. Over the year the young people completed night hikes, camp outs, mountain bike cleaning and shelter building in the woods. The original target was smashed and the group raised enough to purchase just short of 5 boxes! A great effort by all and a true demonstration of Scouting doing a good turn and helping other people.

Our final event of the Shelterbox fundraising was our Winter Camp 2018

Winter camp 2018Between Christmas and New Years 20 Scouts and 4 leaders enjoyed a special Winter Camp at the HQ. The Scouts were ready for any weather, as it turned out the evening was mild and many slept out under the stars in hammocks and in shelters.

A special Christmas feast was cooked by the Scouts over the camp fire and in the wood-fired oven. The plates were bulging with roast beef and pork, all the trimming and even Yorkshire puddings. The camp was a great opportunity to spend time outdoors, test camping skills and enjoy conversations with friends around the fire.